Monday, January 26, 2009

Cheeky Monkey

Linda and Ashley discuss strategy in an intense game of Cheeky Monkey.
(for anyone who doesn't know what Cheeky Monkey is, I don't know, either. Some sort of card game. But all the cousins just LOVED playing it with Uncle Dave over Christmas)

Snow Day?

We had a light dusting of snow last night (seriously light--it was only barely more than what Monica posted about playing in in southern California last month). I didn't think too much of it, but sometimes the powers that be out here are real wimps about things like snow and ice. Not that I mind much...I am, too. So anyway, on a whim, I looked up school closings online, and there it was! I was so excited to send the girlies back to bed at a quarter after 6 this morning.

Now the only problem is there will be limited play in the snow, at least for the Linda. Friday afternoon was so warm, she didn't even notice that she left her winter coat and gloves at school. Though how her teacher--who is concerned about the cold when I send the girlies to school with socks but not tights under their (long) dresses--could have missed the lack of winter coat, I do not know...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Brush with Fame, or Babysteps in Networking

I'm so excited. I just placed a signed bookplate into one of my newer books--Sucks to be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire (Maybe) by Kimberly Pauley. It's not the first book I've gotten signed, though it might be close--maybe the third? But it was probably the coolest, because it's from someone I know (ok, only virtually, but still...)

As a true wanna-be writer, I am on several writers' e-groups. Mostly lurking, trying to glean as much information as possible and turn into a "real" writer by osmosis, I suppose. But this Christmas, the discussion turned to books that they've been reading (with Christmas as the perfect excuse to buy more books, of course). Several discussions on Twilight got me to try that series (which I completely love and am nearly as obsessive about as any other Twilighter--now on my 5th time through the set. I think. I'm starting to lose count). But after a few times through Twilight, I decided I needed to expand my horizons, so I entered the YA section of my bookstore and found Kimberly's book Sucks to be Me, which was also discussed onlist quite a bit (since Kim is an active member of the list). So I read her book, and took her up on her generous offer to listmembers of a signed bookplate to place in it (it's really cute, too, with a picture of a bat on it). And that's something for me to consider if I ever have another book to want to promote.

So here's my plug for Kim's book. It's a great story. A fun and easy read--not intense at all for a vampire story, but mostly about family and growing up. With a lot of vampire jokes and situations thrown in. The characters are great, particularly George (who she meets at her vampire information classes). I don't think I could say enough good things about his character. I wished for the story to continue so I could get more scenes with George, but alas....