Sunday, May 30, 2010

Shakespeare, anyone?

June is nearly here, and with June comes my favorite part of summer--Shakespeare in the Park. From the first time I heard of it, I knew I would love it. The first show I saw had some bittersweet memories. It was Louisville Day with the GSP group, and there was some division over whether to go to Kentucky Kingdom or Shakespeare. The powers that be nearly faced a mutiny when they decided to try for both. I was in the Shakespeare group--we were watching Comedy of Errors, which was being performed on roller skates that season. It was a great time until intermission, when we were loaded onto buses and whisked off for a measly hour at the theme park. We were all so angry at having to leave, and I still feel bad for the performers who lost over half their audience with the intermission.

The next time I had a chance was when Terry asked me out on our first date. Unfortunately, we had to postpone the date for his family's vacation, and the season was over by the time they got back.

After that were many years away, and when we finally moved close enough to go, I'd somehow forget until after it was too late. So from our first planned date, it ended up taking some 11 years for us to actually make it to Shakespeare in the Park together. But now that we have, I've gotten much better at remembering when it runs, and we typically see each play that runs at least once. The girls don't always appreciate the heat, late night, and frequently inconsistent sound, but I still love it! And this year, I'm looking forward to reading the plays with the girls before we go to see them. Mostly comedies, which I love: Twelfth Night, The Tempest, Richard III, and (my favorite) Much Ado About Nothing. So looking forward to the summer.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dad: Super Villain or Sidekick?

The girls picked out a bright pink "SuperMom" shirt for me to wear for Mother's Day next week. Linda was telling me all about how I can also wear it for Halloween for the coolest costume ever--adding on a pink cape and pink skirt. I suggested that maybe Terry could be a super villain. Terry liked that plan, though his initial name choices of Dad-X or X-Dad sound too much like Rid-X or X-Lax. So not gonna go there.

But then Linda came up with the best idea yet: Super Dad could be Super Mom's sidekick! Heehee! I love it. We rock girl power at our house! No suggestions of Super Mom and Super Dad saving the world as equal partners. No. He can be my sidekick. :o)