Now that things have started to calm down a bit, it's time to get back to blogging. Last weekend, my niece, Ashley, was married. It was a beautiful day, if somewhat cold (it happens in late November sometimes). The bride was beautiful, and the reception was definitely the nicest I've seen in a church building. Not that I've been to many receptions. But this one was nice.
One of my favorite parts of the wedding weekend was that sis-in-law Monica flew out from California to come to the wedding. I know the trip wasn't for me, but I really enjoyed seeing and visiting with her. Monica was like a life-line when we lived in California when the girls were little. She has the very special talent of making everyone feel comfortable and loved.
All right, back to the purpose of this blog--my antisocial way of being social. I never know how to act or what to say in big crowds, so I've taken to bringing something to do during parties and other big events. Sometimes I'm the lady with the yarn (usually at church). And sometimes I bring my trusty sketchbook. That way I'm busy, and I get to record these moments with the people I love in my own special way. It's not as accurate as a photograph, but it's personal. And, as a bonus, it gives me a built-in topic of conversation when people come and ask to see what I'm working on. So here it is, my record of Ashley and Ben's wedding reception: