Here is Linda singing and signing "God Bless America". All the kindergarteners did such a good job on that. I was most impressed.
The play was interspersed with cute Thanksgiving songs among the short lines each child had.
First was God Bless America.
Then there was a song about fat turkeys, gobble, gobble, gobble (words following, since Linda's here to sing it to me now. It was very cute).
There was 10 little Pilgrims and 10 little Native Americans and 10 little children.
Gobble, gobble, gobble, Fat turkeys, fat turkeys.
Gobble, gobble, gobble, Fat turkeys are we.
We're not for Thanksgiving
We're just for the living
Gobble, gobble, gobble Fat turkeys are we.
Yes! I love having a child who still loves me almost all the time! This picture is from the play. I very rudely stood up in front of everybody to get it. I wasn't going to miss this shot.
After the play, there was a craft to do. Here's a pic of my very hardworking little Pilgrim working on her Tree of Thanks. Each leaf had something she was thankful for written on it. Included are: home, church, sisters, grandparents, pets, friends. I'm sure she could have kept on going, but they ran out of leaves and time. No worries. There was still enough time for her to pose for a picture with her mama and her mostly complete, but not quite colored Tree of Thanks.
I am thankful for my sweet Linda.
welcome to the blogosphere! I'm glad you jumped aboard. Now there is someone else I can blogstalk.
Cute pictures of the thanksgiving play.
She is so funny! I'm sure you loved it!
Love it! Good pix, too. Give your lil' pilgrim a kiss from Aunt Monica.
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