Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Alive!

I had a happy ultrasound today. I love those. I'd post the picture that they gave, but at 6 weeks, it really doesn't look like anything yet. Just a little fuzzy spot. It was much cuter in motion when I could see its tiny little heartbeat flickers.

Now I just need to take my astonishing amounts of medication (I think I could actually rival my Dad for the number of pills I need to take, though I guess at least I only need one injection a day) and settle in for--hopefully--another 8 months of worrying for no reason. And then the fun begins.


Noelle said...

Congratulations! That is awesome!

Monica said...

Happy, happy news. I love those ultrasound glimpses of baby, too! Very reassuring. Hang in there. You're in our prayers.

The Loesevitz Family - said...

I didn't know you have a blog! Awesome!!! Now I can get to know you better! Oh, and CONGRATS on the baby!!! Maybe you'll get a boy!!

Lillie Loesevitz