Last month my house sold (finally!!!), which leaves us in a tiny apartment recovering from the disaster of homeownership. Overall I'm very happy to be returning to the simplicity of apartment life. For example, when the water decided not to stop running when I turned off the faucet in the shower yesterday, and all it took was a phone call and about an hour before it was fixed--the handles all replaced with shiny new ones. I loved not having to think up how to find a few extra hundred dollars for a plumber. Or a few weeks ago when I complained that the refrigerator was acting kind of fritzy (though still keeping things cool enough most of the time), and the next day a new refrigerator appeared--with a bonus 3 cubic feet more than the previous one, so I can now store enough food to feed my family. I also particularly enjoy not having to remember which day is trash day, and being able to take out the trash whenever I want.
Despite my appreciation of apartment life, I will still miss my old house. Not the squirrels or the bats or the sagging floors. I do miss my ginormous kitchen. And I particularly miss being able to paint wacky murals wherever I wanted. Since it's been over a month since my house sold, I'm sure they've been painted over or ripped out by now. So I will memorialize them online. My big red house, my giant "aquarium" (Nemo blankets over the windows because I found it disturbing to see straight through the house and the windows were drafty. It glowed in the evening--we became known as the "Nemo house" in town), the circus in my kitchen, and the maypole dance hallway (complete with glow-in-the-dark stripes).
1 comment:
I didn't know the house sold. This must be a big relief after so long. I'd seen the other murals, but not the maypole corridor. Your girls must have been in heaven.
Enjoy the freedom.
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