I remember wanting to be 8 years old. Then I was desperate to hit the double digits. Then 16 was the age of choice. 16 meant makeup (which I wore for maybe a month before I decided it wasn't worth the time), driving (which terrifies me, and I only do when compelled to), and dating (fun in theory, except that the dates didn't really happen). 18 was important because it meant I could act on my engagement and marry my sweetheart.
When I was younger, I pictured 24 to be the perfect age. At 24, I would be active, healthy, skinny, beautiful, free for travel and adventure. 24 was a very disillusioning birthday--as my frumpy mom-of-three self barely went outside to check the mail. Not that I would change it, because I love my girlies, and to all appearances, those early years were the only chance I had for having children. It just wasn't what I had pictured for myself. Looking back, 24 wasn't all that bad, because back then I still had hope for my other plan of a house full of children. I always thought 6 to 8 sounded like a good number. But that's just not going to happen.
I'd never thought past 24--anything older than that was just ancient and not worth considering. :o) For the past several years, I've joked that I'm only amazed that I haven't actually hit my 30s yet. I feel far too old to still be in my twenties. But now that there's only a month and a half until my 30th birthday, I find I'm seriously thinking about what I've done with my life and where I want to go from here. I know I would never have guessed that, at 30 years old, my family would be, not only complete, but half raised. In another 10 years, Marty will be grown, Chrissy finishing highschool, and Linda nearly there. When Chrissy was born, I was offended at comments that I was smart to finish early. I was not remotely done with my family. But little did I know, they were actually right.
So now I'm thinking about a 5-10 year plan for my future. The one thing I really feel badly about was college. I finished--got the paper. But it meant nothing. I started school with 45 credits from AP tests. I took a few classes my first semester for fun, and because I thought it would be neat to graduate with honors. I loved learning Greek, and was pretty good at rough translations, but couldn't wrap my head around the conjugations and declensions, so I didn't continue with the language because I couldn't risk my GPA dropping and losing the scholarship. I loved art, but was too afraid to apply for the art program in my senior year in highschool. I applied the next year as an art minor and was accepted, but was pregnant by the time I could take a class and didn't want to risk anything from chemicals and paints. So I never took a single art class. Pregnancy also made me drop the social dance class I'd signed up for with Terry. I left my job at the library that I loved because I was afraid of carrying large stacks of books while pregnant (though I miscarried just a week after I quit).
I chose my major because it had the least number of credit hours to complete. The summer term I took the classes I was most excited about (including my senior course on Arthurian legends), I miscarried, and took off the entire month of July and missed out on sooo much. I passed the classes, and my professors were very understanding of the situation, but I wanted to learn that stuff. I wanted to be there for the lectures and discussions. I'm ashamed that I let fear and money dictate the paths I took. I was glad to be finished, though, when Marty was born just months after I graduated.
At any rate, school is where I want a redo. I want to look at my diploma and actually feel that I earned it--by doing my best work, not just the minimum that would get me through. But first I need to come up with an answer to the eternal question--"What do I want to be when I grow up?" I never really answered that question. I had several conflicting images of what my life would be like. I've actually lived out most of my dreams, and discarded several that became less important to me. I need to come up with new dreams now.
Our day at the ZOO!!
8 years ago