Marty is really looking forward to entering the double digits with this upcoming birthday. I want to make it something special for her her remember, and I think I've come on a good solution. Terry and I will be taking her out to see Wicked. I'm kind of excited about that. I think it may be the first big musical production I've seen since Phantom of the Opera in high school.
Today she asked me what I did for my 10th birthday, and I couldn't come up with anything. I thought for awhile that might have been the year my mom was out of town to be with my Grandpa before he died, but that was my 11th birthday. My 10th, I would've been in Venezuela then. No idea what I did. Probably a party with the other "peas in a pod"--the other girls in the gifted program in 5th grade. That was a good year. I've rarely had friends that I was so close to. But it was just for that year and then I moved and never kept up with anyone again. But I remember them (maybe the last names are off). Elizabeth Petty (the only other one that had been at the school in 4th grade, so she knew me at my not-so-best, the year I attempted to fit in with the crowd), Sakita Withers (whose mother set up a small Girl Scout troop at CIC--my only year as a scout), Danielle Smith (who made jokes about her mother Mary Brown marrying John Smith, combining the 4 most common names in America), and Kenya...something...(who pronounced bag as "bayg" and had a cupboard above her closet large enough for us all to climb into and play). Hmm. I was hoping this reminiscing would jog my memory of that birthday, but while I can remember several parties with those girls, including one slumber party when we got the news that Great-mom died, I can't think of one specifically as my birthday party. Oh well, at least I know it was a good year, even if I can't remember the day.
At any rate, I hope that Marty will remember her 10th birthday as a positive, and will enjoy the year that comes with it.
Our day at the ZOO!!
8 years ago
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